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Sustaining Peace through Preventive Diplomacy: Influencing Through Diverse Partnerships

30 octobre, 2017
Est. Reading: 1 minute
Photo credit: UN Photo/Harandane Dicko

When we speak about preventive diplomacy, we usually think of external actors intervening to help take forward a peace process. While these actors are important however, this is only a part of the necessary response. Most peace processes now take place internally, within states, and many of these processes are informal, take place behind the scenes and involve a range of local actors.

This being the case, a necessary question to ask is: what kinds of partnerships are needed? How can we strengthen the links between formal and informal actors and ensure that the relative advantages of each player is most effectively applied? In UN terms, this means asking how it can better access and connect with civil society, and ultimately how the UN can do less and enable more. Our aim should not be to prevent conflict, which is inevitable and necessary for social change, but rather to prevent a recourse to violence.

During the Geneva Peace Week, Interpeace and the UK Mission in Geneva, will host a panel event focusing on how the UN and Member States can better use partnerships inside and outside the formal system for a more robust conflict prevention diplomacy.

Join us on November 8, 2017 at 11:30 am in Room IX, Palais des Nations.

For more information visit event page ici